Industrial Effluent Treatment

Effluent treatment, a key part of our services, is aimed at converting industrial wastewater into reusable form. Each industry presents its own set of effluent challenges, with a diverse array of impurities like COD, BOD, TSS, and TDS. As government regulations grow stricter, it's increasingly important to treat this wastewater before it can be discharged or reused. Our treatment encompasses mechanical, chemical-physical, and biological processes. We utilise modern methods and technologies, including PVA gel and MBR, to effectively treat these impurities.

Infographic of how Aqua K can integrate any existing wastewater treatments

Types of Industrial Waste

Each industry has a wide range of different impurities like COD, BOD, TSS, TDS, O&G which Aqua-K is able to address and treat.

Having extensive knowledge on Industrial waste, Aqua-K can design effective solutions for Industries ranging from

  • Dairy

  • Meat Processing

  • Pulp & Paper

  • Fruit & Vegetable Cleaning

  • Many more

An example of an Indian wastewater treatment plant in India, installed by a parnter of Aqua K

Interested in improving your wastewater management? Contact us today to arrange a site visit. Let's work together towards a sustainable future.